Guidelines to Authors

Guidelines to Authors

Guidelines to Authors

  1. All manuscripts should be typed in double space on one side only in MS Word using Times New Roman Font with font size 12 and soft copy should be send by e-mail to
  2. Maximum size of the articles may be restricted to 10 typed pages including tables, charts and references.
  3. The authors should prepare a brief abstract of their paper not exceeding 100 words and attach to the paper, along with a list of key words used.
  4. A declaration by the authors stating that the article is their original work and has neither been published nor has been submitted for publication elsewhere should accompany the article.
  5. All tables, charts and graphs should be typed on separate sheets. They should be numbered continuously in Roman numerals as referred to in the text.
  6. All quotations, references etc., should be properly acknowledged indicating the authors name, title, publisher, year of publication and page number and should be typed in double space on separate sheet.
  7. The articles submitted for publication would be referred to a panel of experts by the publisher before accepting for publication.
  8. The Institute is aiming at publishing quality research articles through the journal and the articles not conforming to the required standards would be rejected.
  9. The authors who need the rejected articles back should need to send a self-addressed stamped 28” x 12” size envelope affixing postal stamps worth Rs.40.
  10. A proof of the article will be sent to the authors and they have to return the corrected proof within one week. The authors are not permitted to make any material alteration in the article or restructure it. However, they shall make all spelling and grammatical corrections.
  11. The articles published in the journal are the property of the Institute and it shall not be published in full or in part without the written permission from the Institute.