Dr Balamuraly S S
February 2, 2022 2022-06-13 8:41Dr Balamuraly S S

Dr Balamuraly S S, Assistant Professor
Mobile No: 09288130094
Email: balamuraly1580@gmail.com
Residential Address “Soumeya”, TC 13/2778, Murinjapalam J.N, Medical College.P.O. Thiruvananthapuram - 695011 Kerala
Email: balamuraly1580@gmail.com
Residential Address “Soumeya”, TC 13/2778, Murinjapalam J.N, Medical College.P.O. Thiruvananthapuram - 695011 Kerala
- PhD Traditional Industries and Tourism , University of Kerala, Trivandrum(2019)
- UGC NET in Commerce, (60%) University Grants Commission, 2012
- M.Phil in Commerce (‘A’ Grade), University of Kerala, Trivandrum,2014
- M.Com in Finance (75%), University of Kerala, Trivandrum,2012
- M.A. Public Administration (68 %, University of Kerala ,2022)
- B.Com (80.13%), University of Kerala, Trivandrum,2010
Teaching Experience
- Worked as a FDP Substitute lecturer in commerce at KNM Government Arts and science college, Kanjiramkulam, Trivandrum
- Worked as Contract lecturer in University Institute of Management, Regional center, University of Kerala
Research Experiences
- Worked as a Project fellow for three months on a major Research project sponsored by UGC, New Delhi, titled “Tourism Marketing in Kerala: An Empirical Investigation of the Present Practices”.
Workshops attended
- Participated in three day national workshop on FLOSS for social Science Research by using R Software organizedby the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Government College, Attingal on 16 to 18 November 2015
- Participated in Eighteen day hands on training programme on Research Methods in Social Science organized by the Department of Commerce, School of business management and legal studies, University of Kerala on September 2015
- Participated in two day Work shop on IPR and Innovation management jointly organized by Patent Information Center Kerala and IMK, University of Kerala on 15 and 16 October 2014
- Participated in two day Work shop on research methods in social science Department of Commerce, University of Kerala on 13 and 14 June 2013
- Participated in the online Faculty Development Pprogram “Faculty Empowerment in Career Advancement of Students” organised by Lourdes Matha Institute of Management Studies on 18-07-2020.
- Participated in the Online Training Programme for Teaching and Non-teaching staff organised by IQAC, Government College, Attingal on the topic Introduction to Kerala Service Rules (KSR) on 31st October,2020.
A) Edited Books:
- Make India a Most Sought Destination through Accessible Tourism – A Forward Looking Approach, in Tourism Industry: Trends, edited by Krishnaveni S. and Biju S.K.,B-Digest publication, Nagercoil. (2017)
- Published a chapter title Web Based Teaching and Learning an Introspection, Page 98-110 edited book on “Online Teaching in Higher Education” published by APH Publishing Corporation New Delhi,2021
B) Journals:
- Consortium Approach: An Alternative Way to Empower Micro Entrepreneurs in Rural Tourism Destinations, Management Researcher (ISSN 2230-8431), Vol. XXII no. 3 Jan –Mar 2016. Page: 362
- Thirty years of studies on tourism in Kerala: a Review, Management Innovator (ISSN 0974-6749) Vol. 8 no. 1, January – June 2015 Page: 57
- Role of Social Marketing in Fitting Societal Thoughts in Society- Ethical Aspects,Management Innovator (ISSN 0974-6749) Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2014 Page:188
- Infrastructure Development and the Tourism Industry- A Critical Assessment, Commerce and Business Researcher (ISSN 0976-4097), July –December 2014, Page: 34
- Eco Tourism Projects and Sustainable Tribal Development in Kerala,Review of Social Sciences (ISSN 0974-9004), Vol. XVI, No. 2, ), July –December 2015 ,Page: 22
- Emerging Business Opportunities in Exporting of Service from India- An Investigation on Key Determinants,Commerce and Business Researcher (ISSN 0976-4097), January – June 2016, Page: 09
- Premeditation for Tourism Development and Potentials of Traditional Industries of Kerala, Indian journal of tourism and hospitality Management, (ISSN 2229-404X)Vol 8,No1and 2 ,December 2017, Page 204
- Indigenous tourism: Best Practices for Eco- Friendly and Livable Society,Mirror, ISSN 224-8447, Vol 8 No.2b March 2018
- Green Infrastructure Approach for Sustainable Tourism Development in Kerala,Commerce and Business Researcher, (ISSN 0976-4097)
- A conceptual evaluation of bonded rationality and decision making KICMA REACH, (ISSN 2395-0293), Vol7 No.1 January 2021, Page 63.
- Financial Administration in business and the role of Forensic accounting, DEK researcher, (ISSN 2349-6924) issue 12 vol.06 December 2019 Page21
c) Conference Proceedings:
- Sustainable Models of Financial Inclusion: A Study of Self-Help Group Bank Linkage Programme, Participatory Finance (ISBN: 978-81-927928-2-8) (edited book),New Star , Kerala
Paper Presentations
- Participated and presented a paper titled “FDI In Indian retail sector: an analysis”, on International seminar, “Foreign Direct investment- the Indian Scenario” on 23thand 24th March 2013, organized by the Department of Commerce, School of Distance Education, University of Kerala.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Sustainable Model of Financial Inclusion: A Study of Self Help Group Bank Linkage Programme”, on International seminar, “Participatory Finance – The Emerging Scenario” on 11thand 12th June 2015, organized by the Department of Commerce, School of Distance Education, University of Kerala.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Emerging Business Opportunities in Exporting of Service from India- An Investigation on Key Determinants”, on International seminar, “Emerging Business Opportunities – Global Market and the Indian Potential” on 24th and 25th February 2016, organized by the Department of Commerce, School of business management and legal studies, University of Kerala.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “`Demographic transition of work force in India and the role of academic institutions in human resource formation”. On international seminar, “Reinventing India’s Business (B Schools)” on 30 September 2016, organized by CONSPI Academy of Management Studies (CAMS).
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Green infrastructure approach for sustainable tourism development in Kerala”, on three day International seminar, “Infrastructure – Industrialization and Development : Forward Linkage Drawings From Global Models” on 16th to 18th February 2017, organized by the Department of Commerce, School of Business Management and legal studies, University of Kerala.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Implication of New bank licensing policy in India –An overview”, on National seminar, “India’s emerging economy-prospects and challenges”, on 6thand 7th November 2013, organized by the P.G. Department of Commerce, Government college,Nedumangad,Thiruvananthapuram.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Perspective of Industry Linked Entrepreneurial Development Programme”, on National seminar, “Entrepreneurship Development Through Educational Institutions, on 25thand 26th October 2013, organized by P.G. Department of Commerce, Mar Ivanioscollege, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “transformative impulse in Indian banking sector – an overview” on National seminar, inclusive growth and sustainability – role of commerce education in India ( 66thall India commerce conference) on 5th to 7th December 2013,organized by Department of Commerce, Bangalore University, Bangalore
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Capital market Constancy Through derivatives trading – recent challenges.” on National seminar, “Trading in Derivatives-Emerging Threats And Opportunities”, on 5th November 2013, organized by the Department of Commerce, University of Kerala
- Participated and presented a paper titled “The Contrive for Sustainable Eco Tourism Development –Potentials of Inhabitances In Destination ” on National seminar, “Responsible tourism” on 29thNovember 2013, organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Government College, Attingal.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Derivative Trading in Indian Financial Diligence – Prospects and Confronts” on National seminar, “Challenges and Prospects in Finance and Financial Service” on 25thto 26thSeptember 2014, organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Sanatana Dharma College, Alappuzha.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Role of Social Marketing in Fitting Societal Thoughts in Society- Ethical Aspects” on National seminar, “Social Marketing: Role of Academics, Government, Public Sector And NGOs” on 14thto 15thMarch 2014, organized by the School of Business Management and legal studies, University of Kerala.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Role of Infrastructure in Overall Economic Development of Kerala”, on National seminar, “Sustainable Development and the Kerala Economy”, on 8thand 9th June 2015, organized by the Department of Commerce, University of Kerala
- Participated and presented a paper titled “IFRS Convergence and Its Impact on Indian Travel , Tourism and Hospitality Industry” on National seminar, “Impact of Convergence with IFRS: An Indian Experience” on 29thand 30th January 2015, organized by the post Graduate Department of Commerce, Government College, Attingal.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Demographic Transition of Work Force in India –Prospects of Human Capital Management and Economic Growth” on National seminar, “Human Capital and Indian Economy –Planning for Development” on 15thNovember 2014, organized by the Department of Commerce, University of Kerala.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “A Study on Sustainable Tribal Development and Potentials of Ecotourism Projects in Kerala” on National seminar “Management Science Research for Sustainable Development”, on 29thNovember 2014, jointly organized by Researchers Forum, Institutes of Management in Kerala, University of Kerala and the Kerala Academy of Social Sciences, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Empower Micro Entrepreneurs of Rural Tourism Destination through Consortium Approach” on National seminar, “Recent Trends in Commerce and Management Studies” on 23thApril 2016, organized by the Institute of Management Development and Research (IMDR).
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Role of Financial Inclusion in Endorsement of Financial Services In Rural Area ” on National seminar, “Marketing of Financial Services: Opportunities and Challenges ” on 25thand 26th November 2015, organized by the post Graduate Department of Commerce, Government College, Attingal.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Sustainable Tourism in India and Environmental Auditing: A Review”on National Multi-Disciplinary Annual Research Conference organized by INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL and various Schools of the University of Kerala from 15 to 18 December 2015 ,Organized by School of Business Management And Legal Studies on 18.12.2016
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Growth of Service Sector in India – Opportunities and Challenges for Tourism Industry ” on national seminar” Service Sector and Indian Economy Opportunities Problem and Sustainability Issues” organized by department of commerce Government arts college on 8th and 9thJanuary 2016.
- Participated and presented a paper “Make India A Most Sought Destination Through Accessible Tourism- A Forward Looking Approach , on three day national seminar on “Accessible tourism : A New Scenario In Indian Tourism Sector, organized by P.G. Department of Commerce , Government College Nedumangad on 2nd,3rd and 4th February 2016.
- Participated and presented a paper “Prospective of GST In Indian Service Sector- An Introspection”, on two day national seminar on “Goods and service tax and its implication on Indian economy, organized by Research and P.G. Department of Commerce, Government College for women, Thiruvananthapuram on 8 and 10 December 2016.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Indoctrinating Entrepreneurship and the Potential of Entrepreneurship Clubs in Educational Institutions of Kerala” on National seminar “Emerging trends in management and Entrepreneurship”, on 17thMarch 2017, Institutes of Management in Kerala, University of Kerala, Kariyavattom, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Premeditation for tourism development and potentials of traditional industries of Kerala” on National seminar “Responsible Tourism Practices”, on 25 to 27th March 2017, at Kerala Institutes of travel and tourism studies (KITTS), Thiruvananthapuram.
Computer Knowledge: Microsoft Office, Ubuntu, SPSS 20
Life time member of Indian Accounting Association(TV199)